welcome to our humble abode 4

Well I can finally introduce you to our bathroom! It's been a long time coming & quite a while since I did our other rooms which you can see here - lounge post main bedroom post & kitchen post.

Adam's dad has been a star & we've gone from an ok bathroom to a fab one! It was worth over a year of washing my hair over the tub for the finished result.

Here's a little photo story of how it developed:
This is how we saw the bathroom when we first had a look at our home to be before we'd even bought it. There wasn't even have a shower & it was all very old fashioned. Not that that's a bad thing but we needed a few mod cons in there to live comfortably. The bath was metal so every time we got up early for work even though there was hot water going in the tub stayed chilly so it was never good for a long soak.
I loved the taps, so beautiful & old. We tried to keep them but they'd corroded away completely so weren't really any use *sob*
Our first challenge was to block up the far window so we could make a wall for the shower to go on, we were worried we'd lose a lot of light but that's not been the case thankfully. We also changed the loo. Part of me didn't want to cos having the cistern hidden away in a cupboard in the wall was definitely a talking point & pretty funny when we had guests round, but we needed the space for our larder in the kitchen, so we got a new slimmer toilet to fit in place.
To make full use of the wall Keith built us a storage unit that included a medicine cabinet, we also went for a smaller corner sink which attached to a little wall making room for the new bath.
New bath, window blocked in & shower up. It was torture having the shower sitting there - we couldn't use it cos none of it was waterproof so the washing hair over the side of the bath continued! Keith added a little alcove for scented candles & a few glass shelves.
The tiles started to go up. We went for simple white ones with a mirror border which was one of the best decisions we made cos the light is reflected all round the room.
Our finished bathroom :) even with that end window blocked in you can see how light it still is. The only thing left to do is give it a lick of paint.
One finishing touch was to do away with the little radiator & put in a heated towel rail which is slimmer than the old radiator & gives off more heat.
Hope you enjoyed our little tour of Chez P's Bathroom, just the hallway to go then we're done! Huzzah!

Ttfn x


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