better late than never

Back in August it was my birthday & I held my annual picnic in Hyde Park. This year the theme was a Masquerade. Lovely Lou was chief photographer & I've had these pics waiting to be posted for ages now.
There was no specific type of mask so there was an ace mix from posh to wrestling, animal to freaky. I have a huge fear of clowns so thankfully no one turned up wearing one (I didn't mention it on the invite though cos I knew someone would try to be a clever clogs about it & wear the worst one they could find).
I was really touched at how many people showed up & they weren't just London friends. We had an ace time & thankfully the weather behaved after a bit of a wobbly start in the morning. It's really odd how the weather's changing, my birthday's always used to be hot & sunny but the past two years my picnic's been threatened by rain & chilly temperatures. Not impressed!
Who needs the milk try man when you have Max arriving with a bottle of bubbly?! The highlight of the day?! Finding out my chocolate cornflake cakes had melted into one gooey mess & I had to eat it with a spoon. Nom!
After a few more glasses of pop the masks got a bit more freaky - Donny Darko anyone?! Have you any idea how difficult it is to jive in a mask like this?! Though some people might say I danced better with it on!
This is a photo to show the kids! Maybe we should blow it up huge scale? That wouldn't be scary at all.
The die hard gang at the end of a fab day. I know it's a bit belated but cheers everyone for coming! It means heaps.
I've just realised I've never blogged about my other Hyde Park picnics so I've posted pictures from the other two below: 
Moustache Party 2010
Mad Hatters Tea Party 2009 
Roll on next year!
Ttfn x


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