welcome to our humble abode

over the next few days/weeks/months/years i'm going to update you on the wonderful goings on in our home......

i didn't want to start posting anything until the rooms were completely finished originally, the lounge isn't 100% complete but you'll get a good idea. we just need curtains & a bookshelf mainly but i'm sure on our next trip to ikea we'll find many many things that we need & have to buy straight away!!

i've done my photos in a bit of a before & after story so you can see what we've been up to so enjoy! :)

the lounge - before we moved in. i took this photo on the 2nd time we went to see the property, the fireplace & the wood panels were a reason we fell in love with the place cos it wasn't just an ordinary new build that just has a generic look. it's quite funny actually cos we've had compliments from delivery guys who've said it's quite unusual & different (just like it's owners! :P)

a better view of the wood panels & her heeeuuge sofa! no idea how she got that out! maybe with the help of a hacksaw?!

not sure how well this will come out but this is after we'd moved in & started to strip back the wood. the panels had been varnished quite a dark colour so we stripped it right back & found a lovely light oak colour.

the lounge with all our junk in cos we were painting all the other rooms & needed a storage space. note the vinny jones picture - he's wearing one of my companies shirts, i don't just have a random crush on him!

we had loads of help from people which was lovely & we really appreciated it. even brandon (adam's nephew) came along, dummy in mouth & helped us sand away!

the last couple of days before the carpets were coming i put my foot down & demanded we bought an electric sander! as you can see from the photo i was rather happy with my little mouse & it made my life a lot easier that's for sure.

taking up the old carpet once all the sanding was done, there were really great floorboards underneath but cos we've got people living below us we couldn't leave them bare for noise reasons. you can see how lovely the wood looks now & all we did was wax it so it didn't go darker or change colour that's it.

by this point i had to go back to work. i left in the morning with the lounge looking a state with mess everywhere & bare floorboards & came home to this - spotless & a new carpet! it was so exciting!

all our new home cards :) really appreciated all of them also there was a lovely flower arrangement from mum.

now the room really started to zoom along in getting finished & we got a tv stand, dvd shelf & most importantly a sofa! it felt like such a luxury to sit on a comfy seat rather than on the floor or on the futon on the floor, turns out the chair tends to be mine where i can curl up & adam can lie on the sofa!

adam's ugly dolls keep the sofa warm till he get's home at night :)

another ikea purchase thanks to my aunt - a dining table & chairs :) it's so nice to sit down with our dinner, look our the window & chat about our day (we're practically a married couple already!) the table folds out to make it bigger for 4 people & we have 2 more chairs folded away for when we have dinner guests! it's just so we can make eating dominos looks so much more glamorous! :P
bit of a rubbish photo off my phone but we got a coffee table at the weekend (£5 in the ikea sale! bargain) the red matches the sofa too.

the ugly dolls 2nd home for now! the fireplace looked so bare without the cards so something had to go there!
anyways, hope you enjoyed a little sneaky peak into our new home & hopefully it won't be too long until another room's done, or nearly done, & i can post new pics!
x x x


Slink said…
LOVE LOVE LOVE the fireplace.. omg I can't wait to see it all! And... OH my goodness that fireplace at xmas.... soooo cosy! :-D
ktpland said…
i know! it's all set up for being a gas fire but hasn't been used for years so it'll need cleaning out but will be ace!
can't wait for you to see it too! :) will def sort a date soon. x

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