313 days to go

This weekend I’ve been going from “yeah this planning stuff’s going well I know exactly where it’s at & not a care in the world” to “aaarrrgghh have we got enough money?! Who needs to know what? Have we got enough planned so far, etc, etc.”

Saturday was spent at Lisa’s & Jenna was there too who (got engaged last Saturday & is planning to get married in Oct/Nov 2012 - that means Adam’s mum&dad have 3 weddings in 1year! Wowzer). We were all scaring each other unintentionally with things we sorted & have planned, Jenna was surprisingly calm seeing as she’s only just started to think about it, I think I’d have exploded listening to 2 other people & what they’ve done & are worrying about, I mean who ever would have thought I’d be trying to sort out the right colour for chair sashes?! Not me that’s for sure!

On Sunday Adam & I went to explore the new Westfield at Stratford which is where the Olympics are going to be held next year. Shopping-wise apart from Forever 21 (we’ve got 2 stores in London now yay! Still to buy summit from them though!), there was nothing special but it's a great spot for people coming & going from the stadium during the games, though I’m not sure how the narrow walkways will cope with the amount of people. Think we’ll steer clear!

Just as we were about to leave Adam wanted to have a look in a particular shop for some ideas for work so we popped in & we were greeted by a lovely suit. He decided to try it on & it fitted him amazingly & looked stunning. The outcome of that is Adam now has his wedding suit :) yay! Finally the groom/usher side's ball has started rolling, so now we can start buying/hiring other things for them since Adam knows his suit colour. Once I've bought my dress in December I'll have to get my girlies sorted too. They're all coming out on Saturday night for a curry down Brick Lane to meet each other & we’ll try to sort out a time to go shopping for dresses in the new year.

Looking at how the budget is going down is pretty scary & I’m dreading getting the quote back from the printers for Adam’s fab invites but let’s wait & see. Maybe we’ll win the lottery?! That is if we start playing!

Ttfn x


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