my how times flies....

..& I've not even been having that much fun! One minute I'm writing my Revival Tour blog, then next it's Saturday even & I've not blogged since! Yoink! This is really just a blog to say I'm still alive (in case you were worried, which I'm sure you weren't) & that's about it.
Work's been pretty busy for me & when I was out comp shopping on Friday I walked past the Apple shop & saw loads of tributes for Steve Jobs which were really touching. He really was an amazing guy.
I've really noticed some of the joys of Autumn recently with the leaves all turning red & couldn't resist these beauties. Going by everyone else's blogs it seems we all love this season, though my favourite is Winter when it's really cold & crisp, there's nowt better.

Anyways I'll hopefully have a better post coming on Monday, I know you're on the edges of your seats!
ttfn x


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