Just what you want to do on a day like this

Told you it would happen didn't I?! I put my sandals away & now we're having an Indian Summer. I think it's supposed to get up to 30degrees today & all I have out are docs & shoes. Joy!
On a day like this how would you spend it? Sunbathing, sitting in a pub garden, paddling in the sea or clearing out a damp coal shed?! Well guess which one we did? I went to get some stuff out this morning to find puddles of water & lots of soggy cardboard. The people living below us had a leak but didn't bother to tell us. I'm so glad I went in there this morning or we'd never have known. Luckily most of out stuff was in plastic boxes so didnt get to affected but all the cardboard it was resting on squelched as we walked on it. As we moved everything out we came across one cardboard box the rat, (long gone now but found when we moved in), had taken a liking to. Sods law it was my keepsake box of everything I'd collected since meeting Adam. There was a gnawed plastic bag that was empty so goodness knows what was in there, the only other things that had been damaged were some cards. Trust mr rat to find the only precious things in there.
2hrs later & rather sweaty we have a really neat & tidy coal shed with only a few things left out to dry (including my yoga mat & roller skates that I totally forgotten I had!).
Now time to sunbathe or head straight to the pub garden?!


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