The Culture Vultures swoop in on London pt2

The next day we awoke to beautiful blue skies & sunshine. I don't usually post about what I wore (hence the crappy lighting & dodgy background) but I loved the fact I could be so colourful & sunny. Bring on the permanent better weather when I dress like this all day & every day!
Adam & I met the gang & we all headed to the British Museum. Colin & Sue had tickets to see Grayson Perry (which we'd seen before) so when they went into the show we walked around the other displays.
I couldn't resist getting another photo of Alan Measles on the back of his bike basking in the sunshine as well as a photo of part of the Hajj exhibition. I don't think they could have put two more different shows on at the same time!
As we were walking through another room I just stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a really long display cabinet containing 'Cradle to Grave' by Pharmacopoeia (more info on it here). It's been a while since I loved a piece of artwork so much but I was mesmerised & I didn't want to walk away from it. Each runner followed a man & woman & how many tablets they took in their lifetime. The length that runs out early in the bottom left photo was for the man who had a stroke & died in his 70s, the one that continues & is rolled up is for the woman who's still alive. It's hard to believe that a person's life could be represented with photos from key moment's in their lives & all the pills they'd taken. I still keep thinking about it today & I can't it out my mind. Wow!
Once I'd been dragged away from 'Cradle to Gave' we headed to the Egyptian section & stopped off to have a look at the Rosetta Stone (Adam was more engrossed at the 'fonts' than what it was I think!).
Seeing as we were looking at the Egypt collection we had to stop off & say hi to the Mummies! I never realised they had so many there. The bottom left photo is actually Cleopatra's mummy. It was a bit weird to think that these were all living things so many years ago, the drawn faces on the wrapping makes them look even more creepy but also more fascinating!
The next room had loads of paintings from Nebamun's tomb, looking at the tools they used to paint with it's a wonder they could paint this well, I'd have struggled to draw a square!
After a sneaky cream tea the rabble set off home & Adam&I hung around in London for a bit. As we walked down Oxford Street we could hear a really loud drum beat & a crowd was beginning to form. When we followed some of the people into a side street we were greeted by 'Puncture Kit' & he made all the noises from his bike/drum kit. He'd picked the perfect narrow-ish empty street to play in so the echo was really effective.
Our next stop was Carnaby Street & Adam fell in love with bright orange trousers in the brand new Cheap Monday shop (he's a bit worried he'll look like a prisoner but I think they're fab!). While out & about in London we'd been keeping our eyes peeled for heavily decorated eggs that were part of the Easter Egg hunt by Faberge. There are 200 eggs around London & you have the find as many as possible & the winner gets a real Faberge Egg! It took me back to the Elephant Parade a couple of years ago, but that was easier cos they were all drawn out on a map.
If you've been in & around London how many eggs have you found?
Ttfn x


Dad said…
Great trip and mummy was looking good for her age
lola said…
"go through your wardrobe"...that's what I'm doing at the moment! I call it a wardrobe rehab x
ktpland said…
Nice one! Think I need to do that myself!
Anonymous said…
Hi there,
I'm hoping you may give me permission to reproduce one of your images (the Grayson Perry exhibition one with four people posing by the bike - it's a great photo and absolutely perfect for our purposes). I'm contacting you from a research consultancy called Morris Hargreaves McIntyre:
We're hoping to reproduce this image in a document which would be downloadable from our website. If you could let me know either way that would be much appreciated. Please contact me on:
Many thanks

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