Happy 30th Adam!

Wow what an eventful weekend! Friday was Adam's 30th so we both took the day off work to celebrate together. After sleeping in till 10am Adam finally woke me up asking when I was going to emerge & celebrate his birthday with him - Yoink! So much for the breakfast in bed I had planned.

We started the day off as all birthdays should be celebrated - with a trip to Asda! After getting the boring chores out the way we headed to Winter Wonderland (via the Barber) for our annual wander around with a mulled wine in one hand & a Bratwurst in the other all polished off with a pretzel.
We stopped off at the Carousel bar to watch the world go by (literally! The whole bar rotates really slowly) & have another mulled wine while putting the world to rights before heading off for dinner in Hammersmith.
The first of many surprises for Adam were tickets to Steve Merchant's 'Hello Ladies' tour at the Apollo which was really good fun. We got there quite early so thought we'd grab a drink in the bar before heading in. When we realised the minimum bar spend for a card was £15 we had a whip around for loose change in purses/wallets/pockets/bags & came up with just over £4, we thought that would be enough for a bottle of water each but no, we had to make do with 2 cups & one bottle of water priced at £2.45 - crazy! We guarded that bottle with our lives cos we thought that at that price it must be from the fountain of youth or contain gold, but alas it was nothing more than bog standard H20.
While we waited for the show to start I got Adam to model his birthday present from me - a Ben Sherman watch. I'd been a bit nervous he wouldn't like it but thankfully it went down a treat & he was dead chuffed.
Steve Merchant was good fun. There were a few points were he dipped a little bit but for his first stand up it was really funny & I'd recommend it for sure. Also it's a blessing he's so tall - we had row 'Z' seats so were as far away from him as possible but due to his stature we could still see him quite clearly!
Saturday - Adam slept for most of it cos he'd caught man flu & had some really rotten mouth ulcers so I pottered around a bit, cleaned & put the Chrimbo tree up (more on that in another post) before we left the house at 4pm. He didn't know what for & was even more puzzled when we popped into a pub at Chalk Farm 'just for a drink.' Thankfully I didn't have to lie (bend the truth) about anything else cos Pete arrived about 15min later followed by Dan, Kat, Ash, Phil, Jane & finally Paul. Seeing Adam's face as more & more people arrived was brill - he had no idea anyone else was coming & he really appreciated each & every person who could make it. We had a drink & sang Happy Birthday in the pub before heading off to The Roundhouse to see La Soiree.
If you don't know this La Soiree it's brill, you must go & see it if you get the chance. The show's quite hard to describe so I'll use the explanation from the website:

"A theatrical phenomenon, a unique and inspirational night of live entertainment, LA SOIRÉE's heady cocktail of cabaret, new burlesque, circus sideshow and contemporary variety has taken the world by storm. Showcasing the crème de la crème of twisted cabaret entertainers from around the world, including stars of the Olivier-Award winning La Clique, LA SOIRÉE is an international sensation."
Adam & I had seen La Clique a few years ago & I was delighted to see Captin Frodo & Mario Queen of the Circus were still performing & all the other acts were completely new to us (Le Gateau Chocolat, Yula Pykhtina, Hugo Desmarais&Katherine Arnold, Chris&Iris, The Skating Willers & Nate Cooper). We all cheered/sang/cringed along & Adam's mates had a brill time, some said they'd never have booked to see something like this off their own steam but they'd thoroughly enjoyed it. 
After the show & before heading home we popped to Nandos for slap up meal (!) & a round of wing roulette. Adam got to pick first & we were all delighted to see he got the extra hot one, but I won't be mean by putting the pics of him in pain on here, they're for blackmailing later on!
Sunday was the last surprise of the weekend. Adam thought we were going for a quiet meal for two & then seeing Nick & Lisa in the afternoon but little did he know when we walked in that Jill, Keith, Lisa, Nick, Brandon, Isabelle, Jenna & Matt & Noah were all waiting for him with a big 30 balloon!
I felt a bit of a meanie on Saturday when Adam had asked if we could go to see his parents that morning & I said no let's stay in & put the tree up & relax! I hope he understands why now! After lunch the restaurant brought out a cake for him & we headed back to Nick & Lisa's for a catch up & family time before heading home.
It's been a really fun weekend & Adam was properly spoilt - quite right too! It's not every day you're 30 (thank goodness - I don't think my scheming brain or Adam's heart could take it!). I know you don't read my blog hun but just in case you get nosey about what I've written - you deserved every min of the fun & laughter with your friends & family. Love you loads :) x

Ttfn x


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