
It's that time again - COD MW3. Now if those letters mean nothing to you then well done, you've escaped, but Chez P has been hit with the bug. I knew it was coming so had prepared myself with the fact I wouldn't be seeing a lot of Adam from yesterday till the weekend (when I'm being a wicked girlfriend & dragging him away from his x-box for a mate's bday!).
I got in from jive at about midnight last night & popped my head round the door to the spare room to say hi to Adam & see how the game was. He asked me if he could have something to eat, so after muttering summit about him being a cheeky wotsit & in my weary state I gave in. I turned on the kitchen light & after about 30mins of it warming up (stupid energy saving bulb) I was greeted by a lovely bunch of freesias :) he told me they were a sorry for abandoning me in favour of a game for the rest of the week. Freesias are my favourite flowers so I unwrapped them & tried to make an arrangement (no comments please mum) in a pint glass (still such a student!) for our bedroom, it was lovely waking up to the smell this morning.
After I finished 'arranging' my flowers I had a little pressie for Adam. I'd seen some Halloween gingerbread cookies on sale in Sainos with a d.i.y decorating kit so I made him 4 to nibble on while he plays today. They ain't great I know but just bear in mind it was getting close to 1am by this point & I knew I had to get up at 6am this morning!
If anyone else is suffering from not seeing their other halves then lets stick together, we'll get through this! I have no idea how many hours this game takes to complete but surely it can't be as many as Fallout right?!

Ttfn x


Pete said…
Just be glad hes not planning on buying Skyrim on friday (made by the same people who made Fallout 3). That apparently has over 300 hours of gameplay...

Enjoy your free time without Adam, We'll try to return him in a similar ish state to what we got him in :P
Mari said…
awww that's soo cute! i love when my fiance sends me flowers for no reason! it's so much fun finding them!

and i love the cookies! you got talent, girl! :)

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