keep the excitement bubbling away

With 302 days to go & little bits getting sorted/ordered/bought here & there the wedding excitement sometimes gets replaced with panic/worry/stress. Whenever things seem to be getting on top of me a bit I tend to go back to 2 blog posts I found a while ago on English Wedding that make me smile.

The first one starts with:

"Have the words ‘wedding planning‘ lost their tingle? What springs to mind when you hear them: that first shiver of anticipation as you exchange glances down the aisle, or your budget spreadsheet?"

It talks about how excited you were when you were little & you thought about your own wedding & how magical it would be & how not to loose that feeling. I love the idea of thinking back to how my 7 year old self would feel about me getting married. I don't think she'd be impressed at the lack of a horse-drawn solid gold carriage & lots & lots of ruffles but that's ok, (I like to think) I've grown up a bit since then & our wedding is just going to be a bit more of a grown up version of my 7year old dream. We're still dead set on keeping the fun aspect a priority & where that might have been hopscotch when I was little, it's now been replaced with other silly ideas mixed with alcohol.

The second post is also to do with kids opinions on weddings & what they'd expect from their special day. Personally I love the idea of a swimming pool, lots of sparkle & funny mice (whatever they may be).

It's great the number of times glitter & sparkle are mentioned in these two posts, maybe we're missing out on this part? Perhaps we need to get watching Big Fat Gypsy Wedding again for ideas?!

What ideas did you have when you were 7?



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