Wedding Wednesday - get me to the church on time!

Little did Adam know that he had every right to be looking this nervous before I showed up at the church....
....outside all was calm as my bridesmaids sat around waiting for me to show up....
The rest of the village though was buzzing with the sounds of horns blowing & congrats being shouted at the bride & her dad walking through Top Town!
We'd had a call 15min before the service was due to start saying our beautiful wedding car had broken down. There was no time to wait for a backup car & everyone looked at me expecting this raging Bridezilla to show up but instead I just agreed we'd all walk to the church! Ma&Pa only live about 10/15min away, though I've never walked it in heels(!) so mum & the bridesmaids set off the quick route while dad & I followed 5min behind heading straight through the centre of our village! It was hilarious! As soon as mum arrived at the church she told Chris Barber what had happened & he flew off to meet us en route not wanting to miss such a photo opportunity!
Seeing as dad & I are used to power walking up to the co-op for a pint of milk we weren't used to taking it slowly & we had to keep reminding each other to slow down! Everyone's face we passed was a picture! Seeing as we were ahead of the schedule we popped in to see Sophie at Weeds (our florist) to say hi & thanks for the beautiful flowers. Her face was a picture when we walked in, I think she was also expecting a Bridezilla who wasn't happy with her flowers but it was quite the opposite, they were so pretty!
Walking with dad was such a special time for us both & we got to spend the whole way chatting & giggling about anything & everything. Yay! It was the best problem that could have ever happened & I wouldn't have swapped it for the world, thank goodness the car didn't show up.
As we turned the last corner & walked up to the church my bridesmaids, mum & a few other guests were standing outside applauding. Forget the Queen of Sheba I had a better arrival! :P

Ttfn x


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