Just a little Eggscited!

Seeing as it's not Easter what other reason would I have for a crummy egg joke?! That's right my Hen Party! Now in case you've been living under a rock for the last few months I know I got married at the start of September, but never one to follow the rules (surprising I know!), my Hen Party ain't until the end of October & I'm getting really excited!
I've left it up to Anna & the other bridesmaids so it's all a big secret though I have been getting postcard hints via snail mail. I love getting post but this kind of post's even better! The last postcard I got was the most exciting of them all. Anna had made up a poem & are you sitting comfortably cos it goes summit like this:

"Mirror mirror on the wall what should you wear to the best hen night of them all?
Saturday is the day to dress girly & sweet, perhaps a little vintage from your head to your feet.
And then what's next? Hmmm…let's see. Well please don't shriek, it could be either…trick or treat! Yes that's right, you chose all hallows party night…you could be in for a teeny weeny fright?! The evening's outfit we've arranged ;-) just being your 2nd day wedding dress, or it's part of the change.
Also as a little reminder, as now I'm feeling a little kinder… don't forget to bring those comfy (dancing) shoes; we don't want yet another purple bruise!
Sunday we request you dress with elegance, surely not a problem for someone with your intelligence. Perhaps you could try 50's chic; but neither too meek OR like a freak! Simply show your own stylish aplomb. As then you'll definitely LOOK DA BOMB ;-)"

Isn't that brill?! I love surprises & they're even better when you've got to plan your wardrobe around something you still don't know what you're doing! Woop!

Ttfn x


That's proper exciting... and I love the pictures! Whoever is planning all the excitement for you will be reading your blog posts and grinning - hope you have a fantastic time! x
ktpland said…
Thanks I can't wait! It all starts on Friday when I meet my MOH & officially ends Monday morning when she gets her train home! Woop! x

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