Photoswap 2012 - cameras at the ready!

After just missing out on the 2011 Photoswap I jumped at the chance to take part in it this year. Hosted by the wonderful Rhianne on her blog For The Easily Distracted it was a great chance to get excited about analogue photos again.
The whole Photoswap idea began in 2009 (see all the info about it HERE) & it's been growing from strength to strength (it's such a great idea I'm not surprised!). The aim of the game is to take a roll of film, get snap happy with it & send it off to someone else to get it developed & vice versa.
I put my name down on the list saying I didn't mind the location of who I swapped with & I got an email back saying my swap partner was Nicole from Port Orchard in Washington state in the US! Exciting stuff!
For my part of the bargain I took out my trusty Robot Camera around Shoreditch & Spittalfields & bundled it off to Nicole. Hopefully it arrived there in one piece & she's been as lucky with my shot as I have been with hers.
A few weeks ago I got a little package in the post all the way from Port Orchard so I rushed down to Snappy Snaps to get it developed. I always used to be impatient waiting a few days for my own roll of film to come back but this time waiting for something I had no idea what I was going to see I was even more exciting!
As you can see I struck gold! Nicole's photos are really lovely (I especially like the last one with the reflection of her taking the photo in the little girl's eyes) & I found out that Port Orchard really is a pretty place in Autumn!
If you want to check out any other Photoswap pics check out the Flickr account HERE (I'll be adding mine this weekend) or Rhianne's blog posts HERE & HERE.
Roll on 2013!
Ttfn x


Rhianne said…
I didn't notice that before in the last photo but you're right, its beautiful, what a lovely little detail!

Thank you so much for taking part, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it :)
ktpland said…
roll on next year! x

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