wedding wednesday - walls

I can't quite believe this is my penultimate Wedding Wednesday post! Eep!
On Sunday we went to our local church to hear our Banns read for the third & final time. After the service (where thankfully no one made a peep!) we got out Banns certificate which now means we're all set to get married. Wahoo! Our new parish church is really pretty & the people seem lovely but I'm so glad we're getting married in my old Parish church around the people I grew up with. I always dreamed I'd walk down that aisle with dad & no other (aisle that is, not dad!).
We made sure we kept this weekend coming free so we could have lie ins & relax before it all goes crazy (in a good way!). I think after the wedding we're really going to appreciate our down time without worrying we should be tweaking that poster or triple checking check lists. Talking of relaxing we'd kind of forgotten about our Honeymoon with all the madness of planning the wedding so when we sat there last week thinking "this time next Saturday I'll be walking down the aisle/eating cake/dancing/drunk" we suddenly remembered that the week after that we'd be on our Honeymoon & chilled out. We can't wait! It's like a little added bonus to look forward to after the big day & then after that we can start planning Japan! Huzzah!
Yesterday it was my Birthday. Normally I'm like a little kid getting all overly excited but I'd kind of forgotten about it this year (not that there's anything else I'm looking forward to!). It was lovely to have a day off. I'd planned on doing loads of wedding stuff but it turned out my mate Scary would be staying over & so we ended up having a lovely day together before having dinner with Adam. In a way it was nice to have the distraction of not planning & I could just slob out in front of Jeremy Kyle with a cuppa. Rock n Roll!
As you'll see in this post Chris Barber likes walls! They're definitely his thing! See his website HERE if you've still not visited it yet.
I'm going to end my post with this picture, it's my all time favourite & I can't believe I'm marrying this man in 10days time! Yay!

Ttfn x


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