28 years young

On Tuesday it was my birthday (when I told dad I shared a birthday with Usain Bolt he pointed out that's where the similarities end! :P). Unfortunately Adam didn't have the day off as well so I just tucked down deeper under the duvet when he got up at 6am. Poor guy.
Luckily I had Scary staying over to keep me company so once ma&pa woke me up singing "Happy Birthday" down the phone (makes up for all the early morning phone calls they've had to put up with I guess!) I stuck on the kettle & sat down to Jeremy Kyle. I wasn't really expecting much when the postman knocked cos I'd just been told to stay in for my parents parcel but wow there was loads for little old me! :D I decided to wait till Adam was home to do all the unwrapping so we got dressed & head to Westfield to get a few last minute wedding odds & sods.
Before we even tackled the shops we stopped off at Tossed (weirdly a salad place is becominge one of my favourite places to eat when I go out!). I can't go into too many details about my purchases cos sneaky little eyes might be reading this but we had great fun. At about 3pm Scary had to head off so I pottered a bit more before heading to Pret while I waited for Adam to finish work. It must be the old age but before I knew it I'd fallen asleep in one of their comfy armchairs! Yoink!
Luckily Adam called shortly after so I didn't have to keep looking like a hobo for much longer & I went to meet him for a scrummy Chinese at Haozhan thanks to our trusty Tastecard (I don't know where we'd be without that gem!). The food was brilliant. I had roast duck with mango & wow! You've gotta go, it's a bit pricey (for us!) but was well worth it. I'd like to go there with an emptier tummy & bigger budget next time so we can try some of the wonderful sounding starters & have a pretty flower tea at the end.
We'd agreed we wouldn't do presents this year due to a rather big occasion coming up in 8 (yes 8!!!!!) days time but I was still met with a lovely bunch of pink roses. Spookily there were only 11 roses in the bunch & it was only 11days to go till the wedding! Must be a sign! We didn't have pudding at the Chinese, we were a bit too stuffed to try deep fried ice cream(!), so when we got back there was a lot of scuffling in the kitchen while Adam unwrapped my Smarties cake & stuck a household candle in the top (he couldn't find any birthday ones!).
By this point it was finally time for presents. I got about 20cards (thanks so much if you sent me one) as well as some wonderful gifts including a HD video camera (not sure I'm quite ready to move onto a vlog but I'm hoping for some sweet memories from the wedding/honeymoon), some money (which is going to go towards honeymoon outfits thanks to Primarni & G21 at Asda!), a smelly wedding day candle, photoalbum, notebook, bookmark & necklace. I was dead chuffed with them all! I felt properly loved & special & that's how a Birthday Girl should feel :)
Ttfn x


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