Happy Birthday Mr Cupcakes!

Saturday saw Johnny Cupcakes' 2nd Birthday in London & being typically British we weren't going to miss an opportunity to queue!
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The store was due to open at 1pm & we joined about 12:30pm thinking it would only take a couple of hours to get in & see what was new. We eventually shuffled in the door about 4pm making the most of their heating & free cupcakes/red bull! Brr!
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The limited edition t-shirt (sported by My Johnny Cupcakes below) was lovely so Adam treated himself to that one, while I got another top & a few bits & bobs.
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Speaking of Johnny Cupcakes, we're off to see the man himself again tonight talking about how he started up the business & promoted it.  Can't wait to hear what he has to say! He's awesome!

If you still don't know who or what Johnny Cupcakes is (where have you been?! :P) check out their website HERE. Even if you do know click the link on Wednesday to see the brand spanking new website, we've been promised it'll look ace!

BTW sorry for the lack of posts last week. I was struck down with some horrible lurgy that left me at home on the sofa all Wednesday & Friday & feeling pretty grim for the other days so I'm afraid my blog had to take a back seat to Jeremy Kyle & Super Sweet Sixteen (how to make yourself feel worse right?!)

Ttfn x


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