woah woah woah!

When did it suddenly become December & where did October & November go?! If possible could we all just pause time for a few days for me to catch up & then carry on as normal?!
Yesterday was Adam's birthday so we celebrated as tradition dictates at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. It was a lovely crisp winter's day so we didn't mind shuffling around with the crowds & to make it even better we spotted a pug & he wasn't just any old pug, he was wearing a Christmas jumper! Amazing! The rest of the day was spent shopping & then we went for dinner where Adam had Lamb & pink coloured beetroot mash!

As I said earlier I really can't believe it's December already. I've pretty much finished my present shopping but not even opened a card to write yet & to make matters worse our tree isn't up yet either. Shocking! Hopefully I can find a spare minute one night this week to get it sorted. I love Christmas so much but could do with an extra month to get ready. Can we sort that please?!

Ttfn x


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