Out Of Office 'till 2013!

Well if you're reading this I guess the world didn't end after all! Today is my last day at work for 2012 Huzzah! I plan to make the most of my lie ins & to take Little Lumix (& as many of my other toy cameras as I can carry) out wherever I go. Woop!
Work's been really busy what with moving, working on the new collection & (most importantly) making sure all our Chrimbo gifts go out in time! My desk has been a wash of gift wrap & tartans so although we haven't got any decorations around (apart from a chain made out of Quality Street wrappers!) I've still felt festive.

I'm hoping to take a bit of a break from the interwebs till the New Year, but don't fret (as if you were!), I've got a few posts lined up & yes finally the end of my "Wedding Wednesday" is in sight. Thanks for sticking with me even though it was probably a bit boring at times! I've always used my blog as a diary that you lucky people get to have a sneak peak into so I wanted to make sure I captured all of the special moments of our big day so I'll never forget them :)

Ttfn x

p.s how cool is the new Diptic app?! It was good before but now I love it!


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