katie 1 rain 0

When I woke up yesterday to the weather reporter telling of more doom&gloom I groaned at the thought of having the wear my Docs again (nothing wrong with them, they go with everything but black boots again?! Yawn!). That was until I remember my pretty little wellies saved for camping & snowy days at the back of the wardrobe & dug them out.
Walking to work it took all my willpower not to jump in puddles!

On other more sunny news - I entered a competition on RockNRollBride to win a Trash The Dress Session (click here) with the lovely Emily from Photographic Blonde. Well the closing date was last week & on Friday I had a rather special email & a FB request from Emily saying I was one of the lucky 5 winners! She even announced it on her blog on Monday.

I'm so excited & it's been hard to wipe the smile from my face! I'm not even married & I can't wait to trash my dress - surely that's not right?! I've had this idea in my mind for ages but knew it wouldn't happen for a while due to lack of pennies for extra photoshoots & now it's gonna go ahead & Adam even gets to join me in some pics! We can't wait!

Ttfn x


Anonymous said…
I recognise the photo of you and Adam on the "Photographic Blonde" website! :)
ktpland said…
thanks whoever you are! we're so excited! x

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