If you're not bored of me already, you soon will be.....BEDM Day 1

As a way to get back into the blogging swing of things I decided to join Elizabeth at Rosalilium's 'Blog Every Day in May' challenge (check out the link at the bottom of the page, I'm using my iPad & can't work out how to do a link!)

Anyway back to the task in hand:


~ I've been blogging for over 8years (is it really that long?!) & I started it as a way for my mates to see what I was getting up to while I lived in India, I never thought it would take off like this, in fact I didn't expect to keep it up for the 6months I had left in Banagalore!

~ I love being around people & being sociable, there's nothing better than a jam packed calendar full of exciting things with either my hubby, ma&pa or mates, or preferably all of them in one place! Perfick!

~ Music is a big part of my life & I know when I've not been listening to music much cos I really get down in the dumps. I have the most random playlists on my iPod skipping from Steps, to Rage Against The Machine, to Frank Turner, to Status Quo, then onto Blue!

~ I'm obsessed with pugs (& the French Bulldog obsession is growing by the day too!), hopefully we'll have some little puppies one day!

~ I work in the fashion industry designing men's shirts. I've recently changed jobs after 7years at my last place, it's a mega challenge but I'm thoroughly enjoying it & it couldn't have come at a better time. Adam just got a new job too & things are looking rosy! Yay!

I've added the photograph below cos I'm really proud of our wedding (click on the link ---> if you somehow managed to escape the millions of posts last year!). I was going to include one of my own photos but this picture reminds me of what a fab day we had surrounded by the people that love us :-)

Ttfn x

If you want to join in, or see anyone else's posts click here:


Unknown said…
You work in the fashion industry! That's amazing! The photo of your wedding is beautiful, you dress and the bow veil is to die for.
Good luck with the rest of your challenge! x
ktpland said…
Cheers! It's not quite as glam as everyone thinks but the perks are good! X

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