A weekend of Carpark Kings & Beer Gardens....

I had full intention of photographing everything from the weekend & sharing it all with you lovely people, but instead I sat outside in the sunshine relaxing with all my mates & enjoying every moment....so no offence but my blog took a back seat! 

After popping into work Saturday morning (I must be enjoying it!) Adam picked me up & we set off for Lufbra. 3hrs later thanks to rubbish bank holiday traffic we arrived & started our relax with every one. It's really funny the way out uni group is growing, first other halves were introduced & now babies are creeping their way in! It was great catching up & meeting new (little) faces. 

Saturday & Sunday were mainly spent eating big meals a bit too often & the rest of it spent in beer gardens & parks making the most of the May sunshine. By Monday it was just Sam, Art, Adam & I left so we popped into Leicester for a few odds & sods before dropping into ma&pa's on the way home. 

While we were in Leics I suddenly remembered the Richard the Third exhibition all about how they managed to find his skeleton recently. I'm not normally a big history buff but I grew up with walks around Bosworth Battlefield & to suddenly be discovering new things about an event I know so well - it's been amazing! After walking round I asked where the carpark was where they found him & it was behind big closed gates....with just enough space to see through if you laid on the floor like a mupet! So guess what I did?! 
**The face is what they believe King Richard would have looked like after studying his skull & the other picture is what I could see if I laid on the floor at the carpark (his grave is under the big tent)!**

Hope y'all had a lovely long & sunny weekend. We sure did!

Ttfn x


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