Park in Progress

A few weeks ago ma&pa came to visit & we went to visit what was the Olympic Park.
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For the next month or so you can book tickets for the 'Park in Progress Tour' (click HERE) to see what's what, if you get the chance you should try to go.
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We were all expecting a bit more of a tour of the actual park but in reality all we did was don hi-vis jackets (except for me cos the velcro was catching on my jacket - fashion before safety d'harling! :P), jump on a bus round the corner & go up the Orbit!
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It wasn't as bad as it sounds though cos we hadn't been able to go up the Orbit during the Games last year so it was great to have an aerial view of the stadium & the rest of the London. Mum & I thought it all looked a bit sad though without the magic & excitement the Olympics had brought with it. Once it's finished though it's going to be a lovely place to walk around & I can't wait to go for a swim in the public pool!
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Once we'd gone up the Orbit, as well as the cracking views outside there were awesome ones inside too thanks to huge mirror installations by Anish Kapoor (who'd also designed the Orbit)! At first everyone was the right way up but as you stepped away....
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....the people in the foreground were the right way up & the people further away as well as the view of London were all upside down. I loved the way the image changed constantly as people walked around, I could have stood there all day & not had one photo the same.
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There was a lift to go up & a spiral walk way to come down again. Sadly you couldn't really see a lot thanks to the mesh but it looks brill from the outside.
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Once back on terra firma we stopped for a quick Kodak moment before jumping on the bus to carry on our adventures....
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Keep tuned in for where we went next (I know you can't wait! :P).

Ttfn x


LAP said…
Cant wait for this July to make the stadium come alive again

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