KtP - the 't' stands for techno!

I've been feeling a bit bogged down with the amount of technology in my presence recently, but at least you can decorate everything with funky cases!
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Say hello to my little netbook, iPad (1 previous careful owner - cheers dad!), Kindle & iPhone (1 previous careful owner - cheers Adam!)! At first I was thinking "what on earth am I going to do with all this stuff" but I've managed to transform myself into a square eyed geek in no time! Where was I before all these electronic wonders?! 
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This has been my view for the last few weeks & I think my bum has left a permanent dent in the armchair where I've been vegging out on a nightly basis (& yes that is Geordie Shore on the tv! It's back yay! Yoink!).

Anyways I think this girl needs to get out & speak to people face to face (not facetime) & get back into Jive before I become a proper hermit!

Ttfn x


AJP said…
I bet theres a red glow coming from your house now
ktpland said…
for sure! who needs heating when you've got these many things whirring away?! x

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