Nigel's Stag Do pt3

(see pt1 & pt2 if you missed them)Most of the gang were all from Lufbra so we (well I) decided to visit some old haunts. The first stop was The Orange Tree. It's the one bar I really miss in London. If I could pick it up & bring it back with me I would.
I had to start the night with a typical circle of faces pics
We got the night going with a few drinking games that were definitely fixed for me to loose, the fact Ross had bought me a Katy cider that was 7.4% didn't help either
Once we left the Orange Tree I was rather merry(!), we popped into Spoons for some cheaper alchofrol (& ale!) which I threw all over the floor (blue screen moment!) before dragging the boys into Echos. It's hard to believe it but even in my wonderful attire I got asked for ID (they were probably hoping I was underage so they could turn me away!).
Inside it was just as bad (great) as we'd remembered & we ended up heading into the side room cos we didn't know any of the modern choons (how old are we?!). We (I) had a bit of a boogie as well commented on how skimpy the girls were dressed (do their mothers know they go out like that?!).
I was dragged off the dancefloor & we headed back to the hotel & crashed. I don't know if they're just used to taller sporty people in Lufbra but I struggled to climb into bed it was that high!
The next morning a bit worse for wear we met up at Spoons for breakfast before walking back to Art's house & gather up some strength for the drive home. It's quite a while since I was that drunk cos I just can't afford to do it in London but I had the shakes and everything! Yoink!
I got home just before Adam so curled up on the sofa, stuck on the tv & chillaxed. This is the face he came home too. Lucky Guy!
The weekend was so much fun & it was lovely to spend time with the lads again, some them hadn't seen each other for about 5years so a proper reunion is definitely on the cards - how about on Sept 1st?! There's a small gathering on that day so might as well come on down! ;-)
Thanks Art - you da bomb, it was MAGIC! :P
Ttfn x


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