March Photo A Day Challenge Pt2

Here's my final set of marchphotoaday snaps. They're completely out of order for some reason but enjoy anyway!
* Green - in Westfield I decided to tuck into a salad from Tossed I love their branding & fake grass everywhere!
* A Corner Of Your Home - although Adam always insists this is his seat it's my special corner I like to curl up in
* Funny - Steve treated the office to egg sweets, they weren't particularly funny but the amount of sugar in them meant the afternoon flew by!
* Before / After - this was day 1 of my Illustrator course so I clicked at the start & the end of the day.
* Delicious - lunch from Leon - yum!
* Kitchen Sink - this is me carrying everything but the kitchen sink to my course!
* Key - my key to the city, I'd be lost without my oyster card.
* Your Name - courtesy of Tatty Devine!
* Moon - not quite the moon, just a street lamp shining through the blossom but it was cloudy that night
* Trash - need I say more?!
* Feet - my feet
* Where you Relax - I'm trying to make the most of our bath (but not so much now that there's a water shortage!)
* An Animal - the lambs back near ma&pa's
* Breakfast - Weetabix & Cheerios, nowt better!
* Toy - Adam's ugly dolls
* random shot to fill in the gap thanks to M&S & a sponge ice lolly!

Ttfn x


Sanam said…
aw you went to westfield? jealous ;) i haven't been shopping in westfield for ages, so not right :)

Sanam x
My Fashion/Photography blog: DayByDiva
ktpland said…
it's dangerously close to my work & also on my way home (if I take a detour! :P) love it there! hope you get there soon. x

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