this could be the start of a lot more blogging!

we'll i've started it, my 40days & 40nights free from facebook & twitter! i'm doing ok so far but have only been awake for 6hours so far so i think it's rather too early to tell!
i did wake up & think "well i updated my status last night as well as putting up a new profile pic about not being on facebook so let's go online & see what people have said!" i don't think my brain got the NO FACEBOOK part!
i'm now realising that i should have disabled notifications that come to my email too cos as i'm checking spam to delete i'm being teased by that fact that people have commented on my status & i can't see it! grr! at least i'll have 3 things to read when i log on after easter, cos i was worried that i'd spend all this time away from it, log on 40days later & realise that i had no notifications or messages at all!  then i'd realise how sad i am!
another thing i'll have to snap out of is thinking about my daily life in less than 140 characters so i can tweet!  maybe i'll start learning longer words?! actually no let's not get carried away!
x x x


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