well and truely cream crackered!

im sooo tired at the moment! still loving work though! ive been sitting in on meetings with clients yesterday and today and its all very interesting. yesterday was great cos we were on oxford street and after our meeting it was time to go home so instead of going home straight away i visited schuh! hehe. i did end up trying on 5 pairs of shoes, i only came out with one pair though thankfully! can you believe that out of all my shoes i own, i dont have one pair of comfy work shoes so i decided to invest in a pair! they are very nice and actually fairly sensible! wow! hehe! only got 2 more days left at work now, its shame, id liked to have worked there a bit longer but a week's given me a taster! at least i can have loads of lie ins next week! cant wait! hehe! not really with it tonight, bit like a zombie so i think im off to bed! *yawn* nighty night!



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