Holding out for a hero....

Well this time 7 years ago I was....I was standing outside the Hippodrome waiting to meet this guy I'd met on MySpace (retro or what?!) wondering whether he was a Catfish or not (how awesome is that show?!). But guess what....I was one of the lucky ones! Yay!
7 years - wow how time flies! On one hand I can't imagine my life without Adam (sorry should have warned you you'd need your sick buckets!), on the other it feels like only yesterday I was telling my flatmate I was off to meet a guy in London & she (along with dad) insisted I gave them both his number in case he was dodgy. We had an awesome first date starting off with a pint of ale followed by tickets to Spamalot - he was a keeper for sure folks!  Now here we are further down the line - married, about to buy our second home & still together after a trip to Ikea - this relationship is made of strong stuff folks! :P 

I also can't believe it was 3 years ago yesterday that he proposed....I still get that funny feeling when I think about that special meal & how excited I was to tell the world! The last 7 years have been awesome & here's to many many more....all that's left to say is Mr P......

Ttfn x


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