When Johnny Cupcakes met a Shark

Last Tuesday a very excited Adam called to ask if I'd seen his picture message. All it said was 'Johnny Who?!'
I apologise now to all the people near me on the train who heard an excited squeak come out but Adam had just met one of our new favourite people - Mr Johnny Cupcakes himself! He was in town for the shop's first birthday party & Adam happened to bump into him there. I love the photo of them both (so much so it's my iPhone's wallpaper!) & he even signed a poster for us. If you're not sure who or what Johnny Cupcakes is then click here to visit their website. I love being in the shop & seeing all these confused people coming in wanting to buy a sweet treat & when they look into the units they're faced with clothing instead!
Unfortunately (fortunately for our wallets) we couldn't make it to their 1st birthday celebrations on Saturday (we'd have been a bit too tempted with all the limited edition thingys) but we did spot a little poster saying that James from the Sharks would be doing an acoustic set on the Friday before. We only really knew the Sharks from supporting The Gaslight Anthem but we couldn't miss a little in-store gem like this.
When we turned up on Friday people were already waiting for Saturday's celebrations (I won't lie, I was a bit disappointed we couldn't join them!) & so there was a good mix for the gig of people who'd come down just to see James, others who were waiting for the next day & passers by who wanted to know what the fuss was about.
When we got into the shop we met a guy who took all the promo photos for Johnny Cupcakes, we got chatting & he told us that James would be playing right in front of the window so guess where we stood?! I don't think I'll ever get used to standing right at the front of tiny shows like this, I get really self conscious & can't look the singer in the eye!
I wish I'd known more songs so I could have a sing-a-long, they always sound really good (I haven't stopped singing 'Arcane Effigies' since) so that's definitely a cue to get buying the albums & what better timing?! Their new one 'No Gods' is out today!
By the time the set had finished the shop was packed & there was a gathering outside of people who'd been passing by too. He had such a great voice it just grabbed people's attention.
When I was looking around online I found these 2 photos from Johnny Cupcakes blog (click here) & if you look at the top one there's Adam & I standing right at the front!
I love these small in-store sessions you get around Carnaby Street, first it was the Revival Tour in the Lee shop last year (click here), now the Sharks, we can't wait for the next one!

Ttfn x


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