Don't worry (not that you probably were!) I'm still here just a bit bogged down at the moment & my poor little blog has been a bit neglected. I'm doing the usual KtP trick of saying yes to everyone/everything & not thinking about myself & when I'm going to relax (or write my blog!). So excuse this post & how bitty it is it's just an update on my little world so far....
Last weekend was a perfect example. Adam & I drove to ma&pa's on Friday night then the craziness began on Saturday. We went to Lufbra to sort out the bridesmaid dresses (which are now sorted huzzah!), headed to Leicester to a Vintage Fair in the Cathedral (which was brill but cos it was kinda linked to the wedding I can't say any more about it for now), grabbed a quick bite to eat, met with the priest to go through what we wanted to do in the service, drove to Sutton Coldfield to see Slink (which was ace & muchos fun!), headed home & started to stamp the envelopes for our invites & finally fell asleep about 1am!
Sunday was spent pottering around for a few odds & ends (as well as driving past the 'lamb field'!) & writing the invites ready to send on the Monday morning. It's been so exciting to send them out & we've even had an rsvp already! Seeing as we (mainly Adam) spent so much time designing them it's lovely to hear how much people have been impressed & how excited they are too. I'll do a proper invite related post at a later date for y'all to see.
Completely unrelated to anything but how lovely are these shoes by Iron Fist?! *swoon*
Work's also been really busy. Everyone seems to have woken up & wants everything now, we've also had a bit of a move around which is working out for the better but we were a bit unsure of how it would be at first so that was playing on our minds loads. I also went on an Illustrator course for a week which was brill & I learnt so much but it really left me a bit brain dead & after staring at a computer all day the last thing I felt like was writing a blog on another screen!
As well as wedding & work I've been sucked into the Draw Something fad! How can a game be so addictive?! Im Katie P if anyone wants to draw me a pretty picture?! Don't worry the drawing on the left isn't mine - one of Adam's mates is a bit too good at it!
I'm mega excited about is all the talk about the new rides at Thorpe Park (The Swarm) & Alton Towers (Nemisis Sub-Terra). We've got so many BOGOF theme park vouchers that we're hoping to use. I think we'll head to Thorpe Park this year seeing as I've never been & probably Alton Towers next year! Woop!
Hopefully I'll be back to my usual blogging schedule from next week (fingers crossed!)
Ttfn x


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