Rock on Chingford!

Saturday night was the night London Town saw the mighty W.I.T (check out their myspace here) return to the live music scene. It's been a while but well worth the wait!
Seeing as The Standard in Walthamstow has now gone to that big music venue in the sky *sniff* W.I.T lost their regular haunt, but now a new regular is hopefully on the cards.
The venue was The Artisan in Chingford Mount. We weren't sure how good a venue it would be seeing as when we arrived it was full of Tottenham fans who weren't best pleased at the invasion I don't think (there wasn't any sound check seeing as they didn't want to be disturbed!) but it turned up trumps. 
The other bands had brought quite a few people & so the response when W.I.T went on was quite lively, they even had some trendy yoots hand jiving (crazy kids! :P).
Considering this was the first time W.I.T had played together in quite a while they played really well & the good vibes from the crowd certainly helped them along!
The only downside of the venue was the heat! Wowzer! Jon (the drummer) was lucky cos he could lean onto the window to cool down but the rest of them (especially Dan who wore a jumper all the way through) were wilting towards the end to say the least.
The night ended with a great set from Everafter (see facebook here & myspace here) & they knew how to get the crowd jumping along (much to the dismay of the owner who nearly had a fit when a bit of some one's pint was spilled on the floor!).
As we were about to leave we found out that our mate Stu was at a 30th birthday party down the road & he said for us to come along. We thought it was his 30th so didn't think twice about turning up & walking in but it wasn't! Yoink! Most people were rather merry by that point though so I don't they noticed 2 randoms added to the mix. I felt a little awkward though when we were told to help ourselves to food cos it was all going to be thrown away & we stood there cutting bits out of this guys yummy chocolate cake!
Just thought I'd post these 2 montages of Adam & the rest of W.I.T. I love the way the bottom one makes it look like Adam had a visit from E.T!
We finally got home & crashed & I didn't wake up till noon on Sunday! Aah that's what weekends should be about!
Ttfn x


Ben McFeeters said…
Haha I'm so happy we are random blog friends!

Yeah having lots of fun travelling round the world. You are right about India, SO AWESOME! Probably my favourite place so far.

Anyway yes, eventually I did put my feet in to the hungry fish, but I had to put the camera down for some mental focus!

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