Housewife in training

I took a huge leap into adulthood & wifedom last week & bought an iron! I've managed without an iron since leaving home (well I had an iron but it was just used for melting plastic wallets & being arty at uni!) but Adam & I felt it was time we actually ironed our clothes instead of hanging them up & letting the creases pretty much fall out! As I stood there ironing in front of the tv I felt like a proper grown up/wife/responsible 8 year old!
Our weekend was mainly spent tidying up & cleaning (in fact we didn't leave the house at all yesterday which was bliss). We did make it to the cinema on Saturday though to see Gangster Squad which was brill. I thought it was going to be a bit too bloody at first but the story line was great & I only had to bury my head into Adam's shoulder a couple of times! It's definitely one to see!

Can't believe it's Monday already *groan* but hey, only 4 more days to go then it's Saturday again!
Ttfn x


you bought an IRON! wayyyy to grown up for your own good! I hate ironing, and purposefully never iron unless its life or death (like a major big boss is coming to see me at work) because it's SO FIDDLY!
ktpland said…
the novelty soon wore off so I think I'll follow your rule from now on! ;) x

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