the exhibitionist strikes back

had a lovely day today. just spent it wandering round old london town with my slr taking photos. i've never really done that before but it was great cos i ended up getting stuck in the middle of a procession for chinese new year with dragons and drums etc, then walked down to trafalgar square, past horse guards parade, 10 downing street, big ben, over the river, past the london eye, down leake street to look at the grafitti, along southbank to watch the pretty skateboarders and bmx-ers, over the river to covent garden then got the bus home! it was so cold today but dead sunny with clear blue skies so i got some great shots. i made sure i caught the bus so i could enjoy more of the sunshine and as i was going down kings road i ended up spotting the saatchi gallery and went and had a cultured walk round there! i didn't exactly get everything on display but it was nice to walk round an art gallery again.

i'm looking forward to tomorrow as well cos the weather's supposed to be minging and so it's a perfect excuse to stay in bed and do nothing! :) mmm. gotta love sundays!

i've also figured out the warmest spot in our flat finally.......the toilet. it's the only spot where there's a radiator right by where you sit!! i wonder how long i can sit there before my flatmates think i've fallen in?!



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