myspace should have an addiction warning on it! :-S

Im making button cards at work today. Its like when I used to go round to aunty joan’s house (not really my aunty just friend o’family!! ;-)) and I used to sit on her floor with all these buttons everywhere and sort them! Basically im getting paid for doing exactly the same thing now as I did for fun when I was about 3 years old!! Hehe ah I love being a designer!!

Im really addicted to myspace at the mo! I cant believe how much time im spending on it on a day to day basis!! Its crazy! I keep trying to stop myself but I keep checking all the time to see if someones added me or written a comment! Sad or what?! Ive managed to find some people I haven’t spoken to in years on there tho so its cool!

Im on my lunch and ive just had a jaffa cake muller yoghurt thing. It was really weird but really nice at the same time! (random fact for you there!) Speaking of food, im off out tonight with work for my first grown up work doo! Hehe. We’re off to an India so im pretty happy about that.

Michelles coming tomorrow for my birthday weekend which should be really fun. Looking forward to seeing her and going out cos ive not been out that much really. Also big bro finishes on fri so ill finally have my life in the evenings back!! Woot woot!

Right my arms are aching now so need to stop typing, I was in the gym again this morning at 7am! That’s two days in a row now! Get me eh?! (im blatently gonna check myspace as well cos I haven’t checked it in, ooh, bout 10min now! (cos that’llve made a difference :-S !)).


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