neighbours everybody needs good neighbours.......

well first of all id like to say:

almost didnt go into the studio today so i could watch the various tv specials and interviews! but i did resist the temptation (and recorded it instead!!!! :-S) hehe.
works going really well, enjoying my project at last! actually been in the studio from 9-5 monday AND tuesday!! not bad!
the future fabrics symposium was very interesting but tiring, i got back from lincolnshire about 8pm and was at fnd by 9pm! hard core! didnt stay long cos the fire alarm went off and everyone had to evacuate, grr! staurday - had a chillaxing day and then ventured into nottingham with matt, matt2ie, sarah, rikster and rfa. we went to spoons and lloyds then ended up in media, a wicked nightclub, i was well impressed! stayed there till 2am, while we were there i wandered off and took loads of photos for my new project, they look cool and im dead chuffed that i can do 'research' as well as going out and having an ace night! i chose wisely me thinks! got to do a presentation about my india placement tomorrow, eek! better go and think about what i wanna say!
thats all for now folks,


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