
Well we're in this lockdown for at least another 3 weeks so thought I'd try to look on the bright side of life (di dum di dum di dum di dum)... Here are my Things I Love Thursday.

💗 waking up at 9am and not having to get up at 6:45am 💗 time for Headspace 💗 sunshine 💗 opening my curtains to a stunning garden thanks to mum and dad 💗 being able to hug mum and dad any time I want 💗 lunch in the summerhouse with the sound of the waterfall going into the pond 💗 Tommy cuddles 💗 online quizes coming out of my ears 💗 stopping off to watch tiny lambs in the fields for a moment 💗 lots of Zoom catch ups 💗 planning more Zoom catch ups 💗 new projects and new challenges 💗 getting back into puzzle books and colouring in 💗 rocking my new lilac tracksuit loungewear 💗 knowing it's Thursday thanks to Frank Turner doing his weekly live gig on Facebook (missing gigs and wrestling soooo much right now) 💗 the "clap for carers" moment at 8pm every Thursday and seeing the whole street coming out to smile, wave at each other and applaud 💗 being rich thanks to the house sale.... must. not. spend! 💗 using a little bit of the money to treat myself and getting parcels 💗 my 1 walk of the day 💗 so many podcasts to chose from 💗 and most importantly, lots and lots of tea 💗

Must remember to do this every week, it's the little things.
Stay safe
TTfn x


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