gigging it up!

wow two posts in two days! dont get too excited! :P had a really good night last night. went to the borderline just of tottenham court road for a gig with sook, his missus and adam and it was brill. the venue was really nice. fairly small but stupidly hot - think echos on a saturday night in the middle of summer! hmm!!

the first support act was called beans on toast ( ) and he was so good! he was a bit short so had to stand on a chair while playing so everyone could see him! bless! his lyrics to his songs were pretty good! check out the song 'you look alot fitter on your myspace page!! genius! hehe.

the second group were called dive dive ( ) they were really good on stage and very energetic, not really got much to say about these but they were good!!

then finally it was time for mister turner, as in frank not niall!! ( ). i didnt really know much, well any, of his songs but it was a really good gig. he did some of his songs on his own and some with the rest of dive dive. sometimes when i dont know the songs it can drag on a little bit but it didnt at all with this one. definately gets the thumbs up and you should see all of these peep if you get the chance! :)


p.s happy valentines day to y'all! :) mwah!


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