"someone close to you will win a fortune......."

well so much for fortune cookies! thats the one i got tonight and so far nothing has happened. grr! we didnt win the lottery and thats the only chance to get money that i know anyone close to me does!! chuh! ah well!

well long time no blog, ive not really done anything very exciting! lent started this week so we had pancakes last tuesday although rfa and i didnt know how to make them so we got ready-made ones from sainos and then just heated them up!! saved so much time and effort, it was ace!! also i dont really like them that much so the least amount of time taken making them the better! for lent ive given up takeaways and chocolate but instead of doing 40 days and 40 nights without them ive decided to make lent last forever so i now give up both those things for good except for on a saturday so i get a day off!! (well we'll see about that one! i probably ont even last a week!)

last saturday rfa, mattay, becky and i went to comedy club at the union. it was a bit more expensive than the other weeks cos it was supposed to be one of the best of the year. it started with rob deering off tv (hope i spelt that right!) and went downhill VERY quickly! :-S the guy introducing all the acts was ace and so was the 3rd man, the only trouble was the 2nd and headlining act! seeing as it started with rob deering we thought it must have been an amazing line up, but i think what had happened was he had a better gig to get to so got ours out the way 1st!! cant remeber any of the other acts on but to be honnest they werent really worth remebering, apart from the compere! he was lloyd someone i think! (im so bad with names!) the headlining act was just weird! he just worked off his imagination which was ok but very odd! it was sort of ben stiller-esque but not as funny! you can only put the microphone in your mouth so many times and it still be funny! *yawn*

actually went to hey ewe at the union on wed. it was rfa's course social and mattay, matt2ie and i decided to go as well. it was really weird going out to the union with a loads of freshers again (from rfa's course!) not many of them turned up which was a shame but it was good fun! had a bit of a boogie and wandered around, actually stayed till it finished at 2am as well! that was well past my bed time! i struggled to get into the studio the next morning though! im too old for going out and then working the next day i tell ya! hehe :-P

im at home today and tomorrow, just for a change of scenery really. its really nice being back, really relaxing! just got out of the hottub and now we are all watching a film. just like the good old days!! aahh! heading back to lufbra tomorrow night to see naria at flix with mum and dad then back to the grindstone on monday! nooo! we need to start 3 day weekends i think!! deal?! (or no deal!!)


p.s. pretty much everyday this week darrell and mattay have been over, im thinking of charging them rent, so if you read this guys..........you better watch out! mwha-ha-ha!!


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