i dont like infinity!

its true! i really dont! this is mainly cos of the fact that i keep getting confused over the saying:

(still not sure if thats right!!)
i dont know why it confuses me but it really does! ive heard it loads of times before and not really thought much of it untill i heard it on the ricky gervais podcast and (the wonder that is...) karl pilkington got muddled up about it and in turn confused me! so while having a conversation with rfa and mattay on the matter i just decided that i dont like infinity. so thats another phrase now i can just ignore and it will hopefully go away!
another thing we've been discussing in depth is (we were bored ok?!) why do people shake hands?!?! ive recently found out that its cos it goes back to the olden days (dont all things like this?!) and when we used to fight with swords. when we shake hands we shake with our fighting hand and so shows that we are unarmed (not sure what happens with left handed people but ill forget that problem and that one will go away too!!). another thing we were wondering is why shake hands with dogs?! they must think we are really weird with the whole tradition, they look confused when you do it! im pretty sure that its not to check if they are unarmed (unless youre shaking hands with dogtanian and the muskehounds!!).
well those paragraphs show a little insight into my mind! scary isnt it?!?!
since my last blog (aaaages ago) ive moved back home with mum and dad for easter. i moved back on sunday but went back to lufbra during the day on monday, rfa came back to mine on monday night for the use of the hottub (!!), drove rfa back on tues, picked mum up from school that afternoon, caught the train back to lufbra that evening to stop the night with mattay and rfa, then finally came back to see mum and dad wed night, so today is my 1st full day back home properly!! confusing but hey! i should be around from now though for the full 3-4weeks.
although im on holiday i dont really feel like i am cos ive got a table loom from uni! so eventhough its a time to rest i can still weave! (:-S) hmmm! its ok ive just started threading it up this morning, will hopefully start weaving soon, the whole 8yards of it! argh! at least this is my last term of weaving, after i graduate in june/july thatll be it. dont get me wrong, i really enjoy it but id like a break from it really!
thats about it for now, better get back to threading up my loom before neighbours starts!!
p xx


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