KtP update June 2017 #1SE

Following on from my FOMO post last week I've been finding my "One Second A Day" monthly movies even more important. Sadly my I lost my May one due to my phone breaking but here's what I got up to in June...
Thursday night Ceroc fun... Friday Night Spoons... Coin collecting with the in-laws... card games and silly hats...  Monday attitude... going off grid... English pints with American friends... Best. T-shirt. Ever! - if Belinda Blinked means nothing to you... don't worry!... Sausage and Cider fest with the uni gang... Miami Vice theme pug party... MDWAP... Being asked to be a Taxi Dancer for my local Ceroc group (meaning I help the beginner dancers and run a review class with a few other taxi dancers each time)... doggy mayhem in the office... watching Tommy the musical and playing pinball in the interval... first BBQ of the year - whoop... India Girlies catch up... Marylebone Street Fayre dancing in the streets... "spa day" in the paddling pool... Taxi dancing again... Love Island fan... on the train heading home... happy birthday mum!... my lovely family church... snapchat silliness... Classic FM comedown after dancing... Tommy playing ball... meh... hot tub chill out with dad...

Ttfn x


AJP said…
Glad to see you're preparing for the Royal Albert Hall and the Proms by listening to Classic FM.

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