Tick tock tick tock

Most people would be glad of a few unexpected hours out of the office but why today when my inbox is turning into an incrate?!

We came home last night to find our (wonderful hmm) neighbours had been doing some work & had damaged the box with our gas meter in. Adam called the gas board & they've been out 3 times so far & have now capped it.

The only thing is I have no house keys....typical! The one time I forget! I'm currently sitting in Carlton with my kindle waiting for:
1. The gas man
2. The courier man with Adam's keys! 

Joy! It's a crazy race that I hope the courier man wins! Not only that I've had no lunch so am getting rather Hangry (hungry/angry! Love it Art&Sam!) & am dying for the loo.

Grr think I should just go back to bed & start fresh tomorrow, thing is I can't get to my bed! Argh! It's a vicious circle! 

Ttfn x


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