Smug married - 1 year on.

A few weeks ago it was our wedding anniversary (now if I felt old saying I was married, I feel even older now I actually have a wedding anniversary!)
We started the weekend celebrations on Saturday as I held my traditional "P in the park" (thanks Slink!) at Hyde Park. The weather behaved as we all relaxed in the sunshine. The theme was pink & green seeing as it was our anniversary weekend (I don't think I could have worn any more pink if I'd tried!). It all went swimmingly till I was stung by a wasp (first time ever) now I don't know if I was just being a brave soldier or if it was the ale numbing the pain (I think we know the answer!) but thankfully it didn't hurt as much as I'd feared all these years. Phew!
The next day (our actual anniversary) I'd booked afternoon tea at Sketch (see HERE). I knew quite a few people who'd been & it didn't disappoint!
The decor was amazing (it changes every January apparently) & we spent our time chatting away about our first year & future plans :-) all the time dotted with me saying "oooh this time last year we were walking down the aisle/eating food/dancing/etc...."
The food was so yummy, we had sandwiches, cheesecake, cream tea, marshmallows & loads of little cakes which we couldn't even finish so they offered us a doggy bag to enjoy later. We even got more cakes on another place for our anniversary! It was fun because the couple next to us also got a happy anniversary plate too & it turned out they'd got married on the same day as us!
Now anyone who's been to Sketch will know I can't finish talking about the place without mentioning the egg-like toilets! Crazy! It was really weird walking around them & even weirder sat in one while a frog croaks in your ear & it's all lit up pink inside (blue for the boys apparently!). They're not to be missed!
In an attempt to walk off the cake & make room for more cake(!) we walked to Regents Park & up Primrose Hill. I'd never been before but knew the view was supposed to be great & it was! You can see right across the city. No wonder its popular at New Years!

After sitting & watching the world go by it was time to head home for more tea & cake with my hubby of one year! Whoop!

Ttfn x


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