Just hanging around....

...at Dalston House!
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If you've not had the chance to visit yet you must! It's brill! We queued for almost 2hrs for 4min photo opportunity but me being me had planned each one to military precision so we got all the ones we wanted in plenty of time! It was such a giggle!
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If you've not heard of Dalston House before it's a free exhibition by Leandro Erlich & put on by The Barbican (website HERE). We went the first week it opened but it closes on August 4th so MIMO!
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It's definitely one of those little gems that make me love being in London so much!

Ttfn x


it looks really cool, not sure I could stand around in a queue for that long though!x
ktpland said…
it took patience but worth it for sure! :) x

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