leaving on a jet plane.....hopefully

as long as the monsoon slows down soon. it's been raining heavily with a few breaks for 2 days & i'm due to fly home very early tomorrow morning. i hate this night flight cos you're in the mumbai office for the whole day working hard & then have to keep yourself awake for the 02:30am departure, you have to not let yourself get too wound up at the airport (not such a problem now since they re-did the place) so you can't sleep when you sit in your cramped economy seat, instead you have to let everything wash over you & keep calm (rum helps!!) so you just keep awake for take off then as soon as you can tip your seat back you're away in the land of nod.
it's not easy to keep calm for me sometimes but i manage it better now. that is, till i looked online today to see if my flight's on time only to be greeted with a delay that keeps getting later & later. it's currently at 05:35am & hasn't changed for a while so hopefully it'll stay like that now & it means the flight has left london so it can arrive & we can take it back. not sure if it's technical fault or the rains but either way i hope it gets sorted as soon (& as safely) as possible cos otherwise it'll have been a 24hr day & i'm already weary :( *yawn*
there was a little highlight in the day though when i was called into the design studio by everyone singing happy birthday & there were 2 yummy chocolate cakes sitting there. trouble is indian tradition - the most senior person there gives you a bite of cake & then smears the rest all over your face! joy of joys! hehe. was pretty funny! eventhough i've wiped it off can still feel a greasy film on my skin & i only have 1 makeup remover cloth left that i'm saving for on the flight! have to grin & bear it for now.
argh ONLY 11hrs to go 'till i can sleep. where did i put those matchsticks?! the only thing keeping me going is the fact that i know i'm going back to our lovely little home & not a rented flat & adam will be arriving after work. bliss!
x x x


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