i may be turning into one of those smug marrieds! eeep!

Well Valentines day came and went and yes I was one half of those sickly sweet couples who make the most of it!

Adam took me away to Paris for 3 days which was very sweet! J I was surprised at how quiet it was and all the couples you saw were mainly English, the majority of the visitors were school kids which made it slightly annoying but hey! We spent the 1st night sitting at the Sacre Coeur looking out at Paris while a random drunk guy played the guitar and sang. It was slightly more romantic than it sounds! :P we also did all the typical touristy stuff and made the most of being away for a few days from work! My last surprise was on the way back we travelled 1st class on the eurostar! That was ace! We had a 3 course meal and of course the compulsory champagne! :D woot woot hehe.

I’m now sitting at my desk wishing I was still in Paris, hoping that payday will miraculously be changed to the 27th Feb, nibbling on French toast with champagne marmite (valentine’s day limited edition!). Who says I aint still a student at heart?!



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