There's someone in my head but it's not me...

I was going to write this blog once id got all my photos sorted so I could post them with the writing but I've waiting too long and still haven't got them ready!!

had a great weekend last week. On Friday night arf came to london and we went to see roger waters of pink floyd fame at earls court. I wasn't sure how much of his stuff I would know but I was pleasantly surprised when I was singing along to quite alot of it! It was such a brilliant show. so much fun. there were no support acts so it went straight into him. the 1st act was alot of stuff off alot of the albums they had a huge inflatable spaceman flying over the audience and later on an enormous pig that came half way out from the stage! the 2nd half was the whole of the 'dark side of the moon' album and towards the end a prism came down from the ceiling and there was a light going into it on one side and a spectrum coming out the other, just like the album cover. it looked so good! the encore was another brick in the wall, Vera then comfortably numb. while I was waiting for arf to turn up I was enjoying watching the randomness of the audience going in! it was mainly men, aged 40+, not many women, quite alot of people our age who'd obviously grown up on pink floyd like arf had, then some younger kids who were being introduced to the music. the worst group was the emos! you cant get away from them! they all looked like they'd just been into urban outfitters or topman, bought a pink floyd tshirt, and turned up! no comment! apart from - EMOS KEEP AWAY!! why do they turn up to everything?!

Saturday I went to Southend with Adam. it was so much fun - apart from the chavs! (don't know which is worse, emos or chavs?!) we went on all the arcade games, especially the 2p slidy ones!! no invisible dog leads tho! :P had a very bitchy waitress at the fish and chip restaurant (great food tho! was brill) she took a disliking to me instantly and just ignored me when I was ordering and stuff but kept calling Adam luv!! think I had competition there! picture it, she was about 60, bleached white/blonde hair and a traditional waitress outfit. I think he had a hard time deciding between us two but thankfully he chose me!! hehe. I got so excited when is aw the sea too! I'm such a big kid with things like that, I love going to the seaside. only trouble was that everyone in Southend was either miserable, looking for a fight, nicking alcohol or parading their wonderfully chaved up cars along the seafront! we had such a giggle about them!

Sunday we were a bit more cultured and went to the V&A. we went to see the kylie exhibition which was really cool! she's so small! they had the famous gold hot pants as well as her dungarees from neighbours! how cool?! we also saw a thing about new york fashion and also a surrealist exhibition. I was a bit lost with the surrealist thing but the fashion bits and Salvador Dali were good!! I was saying that I think once you leave uni all those other bits stop making sense, its like the turner prize, when I was at uni I could get it, or bits of it, but now I just wander around thinking, huh?! either that or I'm just uncultured! please don't answer that! :P



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