katies catchup.

long time no post once more! last week mum, dad and i went to putney to have a little look at putney. we checked out the local area and some houses too. i found some really nice ones and the people were really friendly too. cant wait to live down there now, seems like a well nice place! at least ive been given a starting date for work now, its 31st july! :-) we also went to kew gardens. dad reassured us that it wasnt going to be too expensive cos when he went with his mum and dad it only cost an old penny! when we turned up at the gate, it was £11, each! (£8 for students! :-S) we did spend 4hours there tho cos the sun was shining and the weather was sweet!

on wednesday we went to the NEC to see War of the Worlds by Jeff Wayne. it was fantastic! the set design was done by Johnathon Park (who did the set design for pink floyd) Jeff Wayne was conducting, Justin Hayward (moody blues) did his songs as well as Russell Watson and some others who i didnt know! Richard Burton's voice was still used for the narration and they had a huge head suspended from the ceiling with a face super-imposed mouthing the words. it was a really great night!

on thursday i moved back to lufbra to do some work before people arrived at the weekend. got a bit done (i finished my weaving on wed) and then anna and sam and rikster arrived on fri. had a chillaxing night. then on the sat rfa came back, as did mattay and michelle and keira came over. we went for a meal to salims for an indian to celebrate riksters birthday, then moved onto the phantom beore trying out rain (a new nightclub that we hadnt been to yet). it was such a good night and great laugh seeing everyone! had a good time catching up and boogieing!

thats about it for now, back to the grindstone on monday!


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