hit, miss or maybe!

gosh i miss live and kicking on a saturday morning! whats happened to kids tv now?! its so lame, im sure ours wasnt that bad was it?! anyways im gonna take the game hit, miss or maybe from it for my post!

1) ive been cooking! i know! wow! pretty impressive for me! it all started on fri when i said id cook for mum and dad, so i made them mexican fajitas (cant spell it but you know what i mean!) and it went perfectly, no problems, nothing was burnt! woohoo! think its the first full meal ive cooked on my own completely and im 21! also today i made a waldorf salad to go with the bbq! whats happening to me?! im turning domisticated! ill give this section a huge yummy:
2) i was reading a book that completely got me hooked! it was called 'the other side of the story' and was typical chicklit (oh dear!) and follwed 3 different people and how their lives interlocked towards the end. it was all going really well untill the last chapter where the author wrapped up 2 of the girls stories but left one and it wasnt like it could be left, it just looked like she got fed up or ran out of time. hmm! this section gets an annoyed:
3) ive finally finished threading up my loom at last so ive got 3weeks to weave 8yards! argh! it seems ok and should weave fine im hoping. this means that i cant laze around anymore cos although the weaving still hurts my back i cant skive away from the weaving, but as a bonus i cant loose sleep over not doing it cos its too noisy to weave at night while mum and dad are sleeping! no rest for the wicked eh?! this gets an unsure whether its a good or bad:
4) yesterday it was kaz's birthday so we went out to chiquitos to a meal. it was really cool seeing becky and kaz again cos i havent seen them for yonks! it was more mexican food which is ace and the time just flew by as we gabbled away with all our new news! (ah just figured out that news is just 'new' with an 's' on the end! hmm!) anyway sorry am not sleeping much at the mo (ill get to that next!). kaz's birthday and the meals gets a big fat mexican:

5) ive not been sleeping very well recently. think its cos i dont usually go to bed in lufbra till about 1am and when i feel tired at uni and try to go to sleep earlier i just lie there awake which is really really fustrating! hopefully ill sleep better tonight cos i actually woke up at 10am ON A SUNDAY! chuh! never mind this gets a yawning:

6) yesterday i got a new posh phone! its a well nice sony ericsson k750i (if that means anything to anyone?! it does to me and thats what matters i guess!) it also means that ive finally sorted out my contract so no more hefty monthly bills! this gets a money saving:

7) ive just updated my profile at last cos i realised that it still said that i loved steps and blue! eek! (a definate MISS!) and ive got a new funky photo too so check it out! this is a modest:
well overall i think the last few days get a well deserved HIT! woohoo!


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