words from miss kodak

im sitting here trying to waste an hour waiting for my photos from yesterdays game to be developed. it was really good watching these sporting heros of bangalore (!!) and i enjoyed taking the photos, got some very good poses from various people!! unfortunately i missed the end of the match cos i didnt want to be late for beccas birthday meal, thankfully i wasnt late, i was actually an hour early cos id got the time wrong!! oops! i passed the time in the library bar chatting to randoms! to make matters worse becca, em and nat were an extra half hour late due to bad traffic so i could have seen all of the tennis plus had a kingfisher or two! we eventually met up and the meal was very good, although we were joined by a random drunken guy who insisted on sitting with us untill we asked the waiter to 'remove this man please!' after that we moved onto good old cosmo! i had 2 reasons for going, it was beccas birthday and also reillys leaving doo. i had such a good night! i was made official photographer of the evening so was busy running around trying to get pics of everyone, maybe they just wanted me out of the way and thought that the excuse of photos was the best?! hmmmm! i know thier game!! it started off with 3 guys doing a very good drag act! (some of them made very pretty ladies!! :-P ) and it all got a bit loud and silly from then on but it was sooo much fun! seamus and i were the last to leave i think at 4am! hehe.

the traffics so bad at the mo. i got the public bus into the city tonight. although its very crowded and you get stared at all the time, it only costs Rs6 instead of georges Rs250!! i know which id prefer! this time though the bus didnt go to madiwala (where we wanted to go) it stopped quite away from it. they just stopped the engine and refused to go any further cos the traffic was too bad! great! so we then got a very blustery and bumpy rik ride to forum! the weathers crap right now, really bad thunder storms and we are constantly having power cuts. grrr! i had to do my make up by candlelight again! chuh! off to meet the guys from holland again tonight, should be fun but probably not too much of a late one cos ive got work tomorrow then we are off the pondicherry for the day! im gonna be exhausted!!




Anonymous said…
Hope your shutter speeds and apertures were well cool.- WOW!!
fun_savvy said…
'remove this man please!'...
Poor fellow!! :-P
What a sheer waste for his drink! :-))

Looks like you had a great time on becca's b'day! I was sweating it out in the train then (not literally as I was in AC coach :-P)

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