from cleopatra to batman in one evening!

well cess has now left and should be arriving in blighty soon. :-( we had a really good night starting in mojo, (owned by the same people as pecos, but its not as atmospheric!) they played good music though, made a nice change from the usual hip hop they play everywhere else! i wore a top i hadnt worn before, srinath came up to me throughout the night making various comments! the first was 'What are you wearing?!' the next... 'you look like cleopatra, very elegant' and finally as we were leaving, he yelled 'batman!' now im sorry but i cant see how a top that makes me look elegant like cleopatra one minute makes me look like batman the next?! hehe. we left mojo and went on to cosmo, and ended up having a private leaving party and it was ace! i was taken up to the dj booth and had to make a speech infront of everyone to miss cecily saying how we'd all miss her (and we do already!!) and things like that! i certainly wouldnt have done that a year ago! indias changed me for sure! all good ways i think too! :-P we said our final (teary in my case!) goodbyes and left at 1:30am.

woke up with a minging cold, im so glad mum sent out some more lemsip! its just what i need! hehe. it kept me going during work, something needs to anyway, im so uninspired with designing stripes now! ive been doing it for months and months and id love to actually be able to draw a curve, or even, a line without a ruler! wow! i'd be unstoppable once given that freedom!! :-P hehe.

right well tata for now *sniff*


fun_savvy said…
Teary... Hmmmm...Must be very close to you... Wonder how many shall flow when you go back yourself in August... (the manager of Cosmo and the shop's salesgirl are surely included)... as to you... wonder it would be tears of joy or sorrow! :-)

D fren of yours must have gone tipsy... at least he should've called you 'Batgirl'... then you could've given Alicia Silverstone a run for her money... George Clooney won't be too happy with your fren when he comes to know this, I am sure!

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